Individual course details
Study programme Theoretical and experimental physics
Chosen research area (module)  
Nature and level of studies Undergraduate Studies
Name of the course The History of Physics
Professor (lectures) associate professor Ilija Maric
Professor/associate (examples/practical)  
Professor/associate (additional)  
ECTS 3 Status (required/elective) optional
Access requirements  
Aims of the course Introduction to the history of physics from its classical origins up until today through the history of concepts
Learning outcomes Getting acquainted with the historical development of certain fundamental concepts of physics
Contents of the course
Lectures 1. Different conceptions of the history of physics. 2. The history of physics as the history of concepts. 3. The history of the concept of physics. 4. The history of the concept of space. 5. The history of the concept of time. 6 The history of the concept of mass. 7. The history of the concept of force. 8. The history of the concept of energy. 9. The history of the concept of heat. 10. The history of the concept of field. 11. The history of the concepts of void, vacuum, and aether. 12. The history of the concept of atom. 13. The history of the concept of the elementary particle. 14. The history of the concept of the law of conservation.
Examples/ practical classes  
Recommended books
1 J. D. Buchwald, R. Fox, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the History of Physics, OUP, Oxford, 2014.
2 М. Млађеновић, Развој физике, 1-5, Београд, 1983-1989.
3 M. Jammer, Concepts of Space, Dover, New York, 1993.
4 M. Jammer, Concepts of Mass in Classical and Modern Physics, Dover, New York, 1997.
5 M. Jammer, Concpets of Force, Dover, New York, 1999.                                                              6. M. Hesse, Forces and Fields, Dover, New York, 2005.                                                                7. И. Марић, Историја физике као историја појмова (скрипта)                                                                 
Number of classes (weekly)
Lectures Examples&practicals   Student project Additional
Teaching and learning methods Lectures and writing term papers
Assessment (maximal 100)
assesed coursework mark examination mark
coursework 10 written examination  
practicals   oral examination 70
papers 20    