Individual course details
Study programme Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Applied and Computer Physics
Chosen research area (module)  
Nature and level of studies Undergraduate Studies
Name of the course Philosophy of Natural Sciences
Professor (lectures) associate professor Ilija Maric
Professor/associate (examples/practical) associate professor Ilija Maric
Professor/associate (additional)  
ECTS 4 Status (required/elective) optional
Access requirements  
Aims of the course Introduction to the critical consideration of natural sciences
Learning outcomes Understanding basic ontological, epistemological, and methodological problems of natural sciences
Contents of the course
Lectures 1.Concepts of philosophy, science, and the philosophy of science as a philosophical discipline. 2. The relation of natural sciences towards metaphysics and mathematics. 3. Inductivism, the growth of scientific knowledge, and the changes in science. 4. Scientific realism and antirealism. 5. Scientific explanation. 6. Causality and the natural law. 7. Concepts of finite, infinite, continuous, and discrete in mathematics and natural sciences. 8. Matter and space. 9. Time and movement. 10. Reductionism and physicalism. 11. Theories and their unification. 12. Models, analogies, and idealisation. 13. Measuring and hypotheses. 14. Experiment and the thought experiment. 15. The ethics of science
Examples/ practical classes Practical classes and term papers cover the following topics: 1. The concept of philosophy. 2. The concept of science. 3. Science and metaphysics. 4. Science and religion. 5. The growth of scientific knowledge. 6. Realism and antirealism. 7. Inductivism. 8. Scientific explanation. 9. Causality. 10. Natural law. 11. Scientific theory. 12. Reductionism. 13. Scientific hypothesis. 14. The ethics of science
Recommended books
1 Newton-Smith, W. H., (ed.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Science, Blackwell, Oxford, 2000.
2 Samir Okasha, Filozofija nauke, Šahinpašić, Sarajevo, 2004.
3 Карл Хемпел, Филозофија природних наука, Плато, Београд, 1997.
4 Илија Марић, Философија природних наука, скрипта за предавања.
5 Невен Сесардић (прир.), Филозофија науке, Нолит, Београд, 1985.
Number of classes (weekly)
Lectures Examples&practicals   Student project Additional
2 2      
Teaching and learning methods Lectures, reading and interpreting original philosophical texts, writing term papers
Assessment (maximal 100)
assesed coursework mark examination mark
coursework 10 written examination  
practicals   oral examination 70
papers 20    