Individual course details
Study programme  Meteorology
Chosen research area (module)  
Nature and level of studies Undergraduate studies
Name of the course Wave movement in the atmosphere
Professor (lectures) Associate professor Vladimir Djurdjevic
Professor/associate (examples/practical) Sonja Rendulic
Professor/associate (additional)  
ECTS 6 Status (required/elective) elective
Access requirements Mathematics 1B;   Mathematics 2B; General meteorology 1; Thermodynamics; Mechanics
Aims of the course To understand rotating and stratified fluid flow and application for synoptic and hemispheric scales in the atmopsphere.
Learning outcomes Equations of fluid motion and approximations related to the Earth's atmosphere. Shallow water equations. Modified equations. Instability theory.
Contents of the course
Lectures 1. Equations of fluid motion and the approximations when equations are applied to the Earth's atmosphere. 2. Shallow water equations. 3. EquationslLinearization 3. Solving the equations of motion using the Fourier method. 4. Gravitational and gravitational-inertial waves. 5. Rossby waves. 6. Modified equations, analysis and solving. 7. Geostrophic adjusment. 8. Energy transformations in the shallow water equations. 9. Equations for a stratified fluid. 10. The usual approximations for the stratified fluid. 11.Instability theory. 12. Barotropic and baroclinic instability. 13. Eady model. 13. Advective model. 15. A general case of baroclinic instability.
Examples/ practical classes Solving of different theoretical problems and examples in the area of dynamical meteorology.
Recommended books
1 Dynamical meteorology, F. Mesinger; Institute of meteorology, Faculty of Physics
Number of classes (weekly)
Lectures Examples&practicals   Student project Additional
3 3      
Teaching and learning methods Lectures and homeworks.
Assessment (maximal 100)
Assesed coursework mark examination mark
coursework 5 written examination  
practicals 5 oral examination 50
papers 40    