Doctoral Studies in English
Doctoral thesis defense procedure, doctoral studies curriculum of physics and meteorology, list of scientific fields.
Doctoral studies in English were accredited in 2015.
Undergraduate Studies
Information on classes, examinations, work calendar for the current school year and other important information related to basic studies.
Master studies

Teaching curriculum, master thesis defense procedure, information related to master studies.
Welcome to the Faculty of Physics
Faculty of Physics University of Belgrade is high educational and scientific institution. It was founded in 1990 as an independent institution by separating from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.
Faculty of Physics is organizing 4 undergraduate and master groups of studying. Teaching and researching are organizing in 12 chears and 29 laboratories. Students dispose with 3 libraries and computer laboratory with 12 computers on-line.
In collaboration with Institute of Physics and Institute of Nuclear Sciences "Vinca" Faculty of Physics is organizing doctoral programs of physics and meteorology. The Faculty is the leading scientific organization in Serbia. There are 9 research projects within several research laboratories.