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Научни радови |
25.12.2014. |
Леа Ленхардт |
- L.Lenhardt, I. Zeković, M. Dramićanin: "Authentication of the botanical origin of honey by infrared spoctroscopy coupled with support vector machine algorithm", Physica Scripta (2014), In press (IF=1.296)
- L. Lenhardt, I. Zeković, M. Dramićanin, R. Bro: "Determination of the botanical origin of honey by front-face synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy", Applied Spectroscopy (2014), 68(5): 557-563 (IF=2.014)
23.12.2014. |
Гордана Јовановић |
- G. Jovanović: "The transmission coefficient of gravito-acoustic waves in non-magnetized stratified plasma", Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 65, No. 4, P. 1398-1406 (2013)
- G. Jovanović: "Analysis of gravito MHD waves in a stratified isothermal plasma with contant Alfven speed" in press, Romanian Reports in Physics, Vol. 66, No. 3 (2014)
15.12.2014. |
Дејан Миличевић |
- D. Milićević, D. Milivojević, E. Suljovrujić: "The influence of the initial preparation and crystallinity on the free radical evolution in gamma irradiated PLLA", Radiation Physics and Chemistru 81, 1361-1365 (2012)
- D. Milićević, S. Trifunović, J. Dojčilović, N. Ignjatović, E. Suljovrujić: "The influence of gamma radiation on the molecular weight and glass transition of PLLA and HAp/PLLA nanocomposite", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 268, 2744-2749 (2010)
05.12.2014. |
Ана Вуковић |
- A. Vuković, M. Vujadinović, G. Pejanović, J. Andrić, M. R. Kumjian, V. Dačić, A. K. Prasad, H. M. El-Askary, B. C. Paris, S. Petković, S. Nicković and W. A. Sprigg: "Numerical simulation of an American haboob", Atmos. Chem. Phys. 14, 3211-3230 (2014)
- S. Nicković, A. Vuković and M. Vujadinović: "Atmospheric processing of iron carried by mineral dust", Atmos. Chem. Phys. 13, 9169-9181 (2013)
04.12.2014. |
Предрљаг Искреновић |
- P. S. Iskrenović: "Systematic error of diode thermometer", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80 (2009)
- P. S. Iskrenović, I. B. Krstić, B. M. Obradović, M. M. Kuraica: "Correlation between measured voltage and observed wavelength in commercial AlGaInP laser diode", J. Appl. Phys. 115, 183102 (2014)
07.10.2014. |
Станко Николић |
- S. N. Nikolić, M. Radonjić, A. J. Krmpot, N. M. Lučić, B. V. Zlatković, and B. M. Jelenković, "Effects of a laser beam profile on Zeeman electromagnetically induced transparency in the Rb buffer gas cell", Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 46, 075501 (2013)
- Stanko N. Nikolić, Viktor Batić, Bratimir Panić, and Branislav M. Jelenković, "Field-programmable gate array based arbitrary signal generator and oscilloscope for use in slow light and storage of light experiments", Review of Scientific Instruments 84, 063108 (2013)
03.10.2014. |
Душанка Лекић |
- D. Lekić and S. Elezović- Hadžić, "Semi-flexible compact polymers on fractal lattices", Physica A 390 (2011) 1941
- D. Lekić and S. Elezović- Hadžić, "A model of compact polymers on a family of threedimensional fractal lattices", Journal of statistical mechanics - theory and experiment (2010) P02021
27.06.2014. |
Светлана Живковић-Радета |
- S. V. Živković, Z. M. Jakšić, D. Arsenović, Lj. Budinski Petković, S. B. Vrhovac: "Structural characterization on two-dimensional granular systems durin the compaction", Granular Matter 13, 493-502 (2011)
- S. Živković, Z. M. Jakšić, I. Lončarević, Lj. Budinski-Petković, S. B. Vrhovac, A. Belić: "Optimization of the monolayer growth in adsorption - desorption processes", Phys. Rev. E 88, 052131 (2013)
17.06.2014. |
Милош Радоњић |
- M. M. Radonjić, D. Tanasković, V. Dobrosavljević, K. Haule and G. Kotliar: "Wigner-Mott Scaling of Transport Near the Two-dimensional Metal-insulator Transition", Phys. Rev. B, 85, 085133 (2012)
- M. M. Radonjić, D. Tanasković, V. Dobrosavljević and K. Haule: "Influence of Disordet on Incoherent Transport Near the Mott Transition", Phys. Rev. B, 81, 075118 (2010)
10.06.2014. |
Немања Ковачевић |
- N. Kovačević, M. Ćurić: "Sensitivity study of the influence of cloud droplet concentration on hail suppression effectiveness", Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 123, 195-207 (2014)
- N. Kovačević, M. Ćurić: "The impact of the hailstone embryos on simulated surface precipitation", Atmospheric Research, 132-133, 154-163 (2013)
04.06.2014. |
Зоран Поповић |
- I. Milošević, Z. P. Popović and M. Damnjanović: "Structure and stability of coiled carbon nanotubes", Phys. Status Solidi B 249, 2442 (2012)
- Z. P. Popović, M. Damnjanović and I. Milošević: "Anisotropy of thermal expansion of helically coiled carbon nanotubes", Phys. Stat. Solidi B, 250, 2535 (2013)
17.04.2014. |
Мирослав Цветинов |
- M. Cvetinov, D. Obadović, M. Stojanović, D. Lazar, A. Vajda, N. Eber, K. Fodor-Csorba, I. Ristić: "Mesophase behaviour of binary mixtures of bent-core and calamitic compounds", Liquid Crystals 40, 11 (2013), 1512-1519
- M. Stojanović, A. Bubnov, D. Ž. Obadović, V. Haplova, M. Kašpar, M. Cvetinov: "Effect of the chiral chain length on structural and phase properties of ferroelectric liquid crystals", Phase Transitions 84, 4 (2011), 380-390
15.04.2014. |
Александра Нина |
- A. Nina and V. M. Čadež: "Detection of acousic-gravity waves in lower ionosphere by VLF radio waves", Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 40, Issue 18 (2013) 4803-4807
- A. Nina, V. Čadež, V. Srećković, D.Šulić: "The influence of solar spectral lines on electron concentration in terrestrial ionosphere", Baltic Astronomy, Vol 20 (2011) 609-612
10.04.2014. |
Весна Берец |
- V. Berec: "Quantum entanglement and spin control in silicon nanocrystal", PLoS ONE 7(9) e45254 (2012). doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045254
- S. Petrović, N. Nešković, V. Berec, M. Ćosić: "Superfocusing of channeled protons and subatomic measurement resolution", Phys. Rev. A 85, 032901 (2012)
12.03.2014. |
Соња Ашкрабић |
- S. Aškrabić, Z. Dohčević-Mitrović, V. Araujo, G. Ionita, M. M. De Lima and A. Cantarero: "F - centre luminescence in nanocrystaline CeO2", J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46, 495306 (2013)
- R. Kostić, S. Aškrabić, Z. Dohčević-Mitrović and Z. V. Popović: "Low-frequency Rama scattering from CeO2 nanoparticles", Appl. Phys. A 90, 679 (2008)
12.03.2014. |
Љубица Давидовић |
- Lj. Davidović, B. Sazdović: "Non-commutativity in weakly curved background by canonical methods", Physical Review D 83 (2011) 066014
- Lj. Davidović, B. Sazdović: "Non-commutativity parameters depend not only on the effective coordinate but on its T-dual as well", Journal of High Energy Physics 08 (2011) 112