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26. децембра 2019. |
- А. Sirunyan, ..., M. Stojanovic, et al., CMS Collaboration, Observation of Correlated Azimuthal Anisotropy Fourier Harmonics in pp and p+Pb Collisions at the LHC, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120 (2018) 092301, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.092301, arXiv:1709.09189 [nucl-ex] (2017), (internal note HIN-16-022, analysis note AN-16-370) IF=9.227
- A. Sirunyan, ..., M. Stojanovic, et al., CMS Collaboration, Charged particle angular correlations in XeXe collision at sqrt{sNN}=5.44 TeV, Phys. Rev. C 100 (2019) 044902, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.100.044902, arXiv:1901.07997 [hep-ex] (2017), (internal note HIN-18-001, analysis note AN-17-262)
24. децембра 2019. |
- D. Vudragović and A. Balaž, Faraday and Resonant Waves in Dipolar Cigar-Shaped Bose-Einstein Condensates, Symmetry 11, 1090 (2019). DOI: 10.3390/sym11091090; ISSN 2073-8994; IF(2018)=2.143
- D. Vudragović, I. Vidanović, A. Balaž, P. Muruganandam, and S. K. Adhikari, C Programs for solving the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation in a fully anisotropic trap, Comput. Phys. Commun. 183, 2021 (2012). DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2012.03.022; ISSN 0010-4655; IF(2012)=3.078
22. новембра 2019. |
- D. Gočanin, V. Radovanović, Dirav feld and gravity in NC SO(2; 3)* model, Eur. Phys. J. C 78 (2018) no.7, 195; IF: 5.297, M21
- M. Dimitrijević-Ćirić, D. Gočanin, N. Konjik and V. Radovanović, Noncommutative Electrodynamics from SO(2; 3)* Model of Noncommutative Gravity, Eur. Phys. J. C 78 (2018) no.7, 548; IF: 5.297, M21
21. новембра 2019. |
- V. Saggio, A. Dimić, C. Greganti, L. A. Rozema, P. Walther, and B. Dakić, Experimental few-copy multipartite entanglement detection. Nature Physics 15, 935–940 (2019)
- A. Dimić and B. Dakić, Single-copy entanglement detection. npj Quantum Information 4 (1), 11 (2018)
20. новембра 2019. |
- S. Stavrić, M. Belić, Ž. Šljivančanin, “Planar versus three-dimensional growth of metal nanostructures at graphene”, Carbon 96 (2016), 216-222. [M21, ISSN 0008-6223, IF(2018) 7.466]
- S. Stavrić, Z. S. Popović, Ž. Šljivančanin, “Understanding trends in lithium binding at two-dimensional materials”, Phys. Rev. Materials 2, 114007, (2018). [M22, ISSN 2475-9953, IF(2018) 2.926]
12. новембра 2019. |
- M.M. Ćurčić, T. Khalifa, B. Zlatković, I.S. Radojičić, A.J. Krmpot, D. Arsenović, B.M. Jelenković, M. Gharavipour, Four-wave mixing in potassium vapor with off-resonant double-Λ system Physical Review A 97 No. 6, 063851, 1 June (2018)
- D. Arsenović, M.M. Ćurčić, T. Khalifa, B. Zlatković, Ž. Nikitović, I.S. Radojičić, A.J. Krmpot, B.M. Jelenković, Slowing 80-ns light pulses by four-wave mixing in potassium vapor Physical Review A, 98, 023829 (2018)
17. октобра 2019. |
- Vukašinović, I., Todorović, D., Krneta–Nikolić, J., Rajačić, M., Životić, Lj., Seasonal variations of naturally occurring radionuclides and 137Cs in the leaves of deciduous tree species at sites of background radioactivity levels, Romanian Journal of Physics 64 (2019) 812-823. ISSN: 1221-146X [М22, IF=1,460]
- Vukašinović, I., Todorović, D., Životić, Lj., Kaluđerović, L., Đorđević, A., An analysis of naturally occurring radionuclides and 137Cs in the soils of urban areas using gamma–ray spectrometry. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 15 (2018) 1049–1600. ISSN: 1735–1472 [М22, IF= 2,031]
30. септембра 2019. |
- M. Dimitrijevic Ciric, N. Konjik and A. Samsarov, “Noncommutative scalar quasi-normal modes of the Reissner–Nordstrom black hole”, Class. Quant. Grav. 35 (2018) no.17, 175005; IF: 3.283, M22.
- M. Dimitrijevic Ciric, D. Gocanin, N. Konjik and V. Radovanovic, “Noncommutative Electrodynamics from SO(2, 3)* Model of Noncommutative Gravity”, Eur. Phys. J. C 78 (2018) no.7, 548; IF: 5.297, M21
30. септембра 2019. |
- N. Lazić, M. Milivojević, T. Vuković, M. Damnjanović, Double line groups: structure, irreducible representations and spin splitting of the bands, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 51 (2018) 225203 (M21,IF 1.963)
- M. Milivojević, N. Lazić, S. Dmitrović, M. Damnjanović, T. Vuković Spin splitting in quasi‐ one dimensional systems, Phys. Status Solidi B 255 (2018) 1800184 (M22, IF 1.729)
4. октобра 2019. |
- V. Veljić, A. Balaž, and A. Pelster, "Time-of-flight expansion of trapped dipolar Fermi gases: From the collisionless to the hydrodynamic regime", Phys. Rev. A 95, 053635 (2017). ISSN 2469-9926; IF(2017)=2.909
- V. Veljić, A. R. P. Lima, L. Chomaz, S. Baier, M. J. Mark, F. Ferlaino, A. Pelster, and A. Balaž, "Ground state of an ultracold Fermi gas of tilted dipoles in elongated traps", New J. Phys. 20, 093016 (2018). ISSN 1367-2630; IF(2017)=3.579
4. јула 2019. |
- М. Savic, A. Dragic, D. Maletic, N. Veselinovic, R. Banjanac, D. Jokovic, V. Udovicic, “A novel method for atmospheric correction of cosmic-ray data based on principal component analysis”, Astroparticle Physics 109 (2019), 1- 11. [IF 3.2]
- М. Savic, N. Veselinovic, A. Dragic, D. Maletic, D. Jokovic, R. Banjanac, V. Udovicic, “Rigidity dependence of Forbush decreases in the energy region exceeding the sensitivity of neutron monitors”, ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 63.4 (2019), 1483-1489. [IF 1.5]
23. септембра 2019. |
- I. Stanković, M. Dašić and R. Messina, “Structure and cohesive energy of dipolar helices”, Soft Matter 12, 3056 (2016) [ISSN 1744-6848, IF2016 3.889, М21]
- K. Gkagkas, V. Ponnuchamy, M. Dašić and I. Stanković, “Molecular dynamics investigation of a model ionic liquid lubricant for automotive applications”, Tribology International 113, 83 (2017) [ISSN 0301-679X, IF2017 3.246, М21]
4. јуна 2019. |
- D. Sarvan, Đ. Stratimirović, S. Blesić, V. Miljković, Scaling analysis of time series of daily prices from stock markets of transitional economies in the Western Balkans, The European Physical Journal B, vol. 87, no. 12, pp. 297–04, 2014, doi: 10.1140/epjb/e2014-50655-5. [M23, IF=1,463]
- D. Sarvan, Đ. Stratimirović, S. Blesić, V. Djurdjevic, V. Miljković, J. Ajtić, Dynamics of beryllium-7 specific activity in relation to meteorological variables, tropopause height, teleconnection indices and sunspot number, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol. 469, pp. 813–823, 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.physa.2016.11.040. [M21, IF=2,243]
28. маја 2019. |
- S. Stojadinović, N. Tadić, A. Ćirić, R. Vasilić, Photoluminescence properties of Eu3+ doped HfO2 coatings formed by plasma electrolytic oxidation of hafnium, Optical Materials 77 (2018) 19–24. 4
- A. Ćirić, S. Stojadinović, M.D. Dramićanin, Luminescence Intensity Ratio thermometry and Judd-Ofelt analysis of TiO2:Eu3+ , Optical Materials 85 (2018) 261– 266.
8. марта 2019. |
- B. Tadić, M. Andjelković, B.Mileva-Boshkoska, Z. Levnajić, Algebraic topology of multi-brain connectivity networks reveals dissimilarity in functional patterns during spoken communications, PloS one 11 (11), e0166787, 2016 (M21)
- M. Andjelković, B. Tadić, M. Mitrović-Dankulov, M. Rajković, R. Melnik, Topology of innovation spaces in the knowledge networks emerging through questions-and-answers, PloS one 11 (5), e0154655, 2016 (M21)
7. марта 2019. године |
- M. Luković, V. Luković, I. Belča, B. Kasalica, I. Stanimirović, and M. Vićić, „LED-based Vis-NIR spectrally tunable light source - the optimization algorithm”, Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications 12 (1) (2016), ISSN: 1990-2573, Doi 10.1186/s41476-016-0021-9.
- Milentije Luković, Miloš Vićić, Zoran Popović, Ljubiša Zeković, Bećko Kasalica, Ivan Belča, „Two-color pyrometer-based method for measuring temperature profiles and attenuation coefficients in a coal power plant”, Combustion Science and Technology 190 (11) (2018), pp. 2018-2029, ISSN: 0010-2202, OI:10.1080/00102202.2018.1481401.
1. марта 2019. године |
- S. Janićević, S. Mijatović, Dj. Spasojević, “Critical behavior of the two-dimensional nonequilibrium zero-temperature random field Ising model on a triangular lattice”, Phys. Rev. E 95, 042131 (2017);
- Dj. Spasojević, S. Mijatović, V. Navas-Portella, E. Vives, “Crossover from three-dimensional to two-dimensional systems in the nonequilibrium zero-temperature random field Ising model”, Phys. Rev. E 97, 012109 (2018)
14. фебруара 2019. године |
- Rajačić M., Todorović D., Krneta Nikolić J., Janković M., Djurdjević V., The Fourier analysis applied to the relationship between 7Be activity in the Serbian atmosphere and meteorological parameters, Environmental Pollution 216 (2016) 919–923, ISSN: 0269-7491 (IF=5,099 / 2016)
- Rajačić M., Todorović D., Janković M., Nikolić J., Sarap N., Pantelić G., 7Be in atmospheric deposition: determination of seasonal indices, Journal Radioanalytical Nuclear Chemistry Vol.303 No.3 (2015) 2535–2538, ISSN: 0236-5731(IF= 1,415/ 2013)